
Catching Up...

Well, happy Monday all.

I know, I've been a little quiet over the last several days, sorry. It's just that I've been little distracted by things - 2 real boys, 22 imaginary ones, 1 proposition, and lots & lots of alcohol. 

But I'm here to share now, so doesn't that count for something? Maybe not. But don't worry you'll have more soon since I'm writing a crap load today. In the meantime, here's the low down on why I've been MIA the last week or so...

1) It's NHL playoffs, and I live in Montreal. If this doesn't mean anything to you, Google the Habs - we basically invented Hockey. Anyway, the city is seriously off it's rocker right now - and it's totally awesome. Bars are standing room only, seas of red & white jerseys everywhere, one channel on TV and one topic in the papers. Hockey rules all. 

So, as you can imagine, most of my nights are being spent in front of a TV (any TV) cheering on our boys and screaming "Not the face! NOT IN THE FACE!" as I watch my baby's gloves come off to fight every other two minutes - not writing. (Seriously though, hockey players are SO HOT when they're angry

2) In addition to hockey fever, it's finally feeling like summer again. It's like we skipped spring entirely and have jumped right into skirt & crop top season literally over night. The terasses are full, the nights are longer, and suddenly staying out 'til 1 am on a Tuesday isn't such a huge deal. I needed a week to soak it in, you know, get my single summer groove back on. So far I've picked up 4 older men, 2 nerds and 1 lesbian. Not good. This is why we start early...

3) I'm stressing about a vacation invite, from a guy. I know what you're gonna say "what's there to stress about? Free + Sun + (probably) Sex = Awesome". Well, while the idea of a free trip to paradise sounds amazing, and with that glorious paradise sex (finally) - it's with a guy that is definitely looking for a lot more from me than I am currently able to give. He's Mr. Perfect. Any girl would be lucky to have him. I'm just not totally sure that he's Mr. Perfect for me, right now. So yeah, I'm kinda stressed about this sitch. (details to come, promise)

4) I've re-connected with an old friend - one of my college crushes actually - and he's keeping me busy. After I posted that open letter, he reached out to me with the loveliest apology (even though it wasn't necessary) and we got to talking again. Despite whatever happened between us in university, we've made-up, and have been in touch just about everyday since. I don't think I realized how much I missed our friendship until I got it back again. And he's also made me realize a lot of things about myself & what's important to me that I'm not sure I would have if I hadn't started speaking to him again, so that's nice. Also, having a boy to talk to in general is so much fun. (more to come on this one too).

So there you have it, my distractions. Terribly exciting I know. 

Hey, I'm working on it ok? Summer is coming, so I'll have interesting stories for you soon enough. In fact, I decided today that I will message 2 potentials back on POF, see where things go. At the very least, it's 2 free dinners & a blog post each. 

Stay tuned...
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  1. Glad to see you back online and excited to read what's been happening! I know I'm a complete stranger, but I just have to say again that I really enjoy your blog!

    Good for you for reaching out on the dating site. I'm trying to help my girl friend be a bit more open. And I love the mentality that hey, even if the date isn't spectacular, you met someone new, and got a free dinner! ;)
    Good luck with POF. I have to give my props to them, it's where I found my guy.

    1. No I totally love that you are actually interested in my life, lol, it's awesome!

      Yes I've decided I'm going to give it a go, it's a pretty big step for me, but you've gotta start somewhere right? Also, it's easier when you hear so many success stories like yours, just proves it's worth, at the very least, a try.

      Thanks for commenting! :)
